These bosses have extremely powerful attacks and take damage lightly. Once that task is complete, there are still the worlds' lords to contend with. Levels may need to be explored several times to find all the necessary items, and the monster generators regenerate between visits. Some puzzles and traps require much backtracking, all the while plodding through horde after horde of demons. With over thirty levels, players will have a hard time walking this Gauntlet. The dungeon master (identified as the wizard Sumner) offers helpful tips and warnings, while the characters express their approval ("I like food!" says the valkyrie, as she picks up a health-giving steak) or disappointment (a death scream, naturally). Instead, the sound effects and speech samples are heard and enjoyed. The soundtrack is medieval in theme and appropriate for the setting, but never daring enough to take center stage.

Though without the RAM Expansion Pak, your mileage may vary. The worlds are richly detailed, and populated with a variety of colorful characters. Animation is extremely fluid, and the special effects (with all the magic, you can bet there are plenty) make special moves all the more thrilling to watch. The graphics are a big step up from the original Gauntlet. As players defeat enemies, their experience level goes up, just like a real role-playing game. No more mere dungeons: Gauntlet's worlds range from a fallen castle to a volcanic pit to a yeti's ice cave. Between levels, players can exchange gold for items and health, or save progress to a memory card. Hounded by swarms of monsters, heroes will need the aide of potions and amulets as they search the levels for various runes and obelisks. Gauntlet Legends looks very different from its predecessor, but the gameplay is similar.

Classes available are Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie, or Archer (a class similar to the Elf of yesteryear), with other hidden characters, such as the Minotaur, becoming available later. Players take on the role of those heroes in this overhead Dungeons & Dragons-type action-adventure game. Now, Garm's brother Sumner, trapped in his wizardly tower, has summoned a band of heroes to travel through his magical gates to the worlds of Ataria, searching for the mystic runes which will once and for all banish the devil Skorne. Long ago, the incompetent mage Garm released the demon Skorne, whose reign plunged the world into darkness.

The arcade game sequel to the four-player game from the Eighties is now available on Nintendo 64, PlayStation, and Dreamcast, courtesy of Midway. If that disembodied voice brings back any memories, then you're sure to enjoy Gauntlet Legends. Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Sony PlayStation